Who we are

We believe that creativity is the starting point for generating innovation by improving productivity and motivation, which is why we help companies to think and act creatively by making the most of the potential of their resources.

To achieve our goal we have patented the Multi-Holistic Methodology© (Me.M.O.®) which virtuously integrates Business and Creativity.

Through Me.M.O.® we realize creative communication, training and event projects for the growth and change of people and organizations.

The Value of the Idea


We propose a new vision that brings together the Manager and the Artist, breaking down the barriers and promoting the full use of potential skills.


The methodology is transversal and adaptable to any type of business and is suitable for numerous applications and development.


The use of the method brings real benefits to both companies and people, in the form of business results, efficiency and motivation.

The genesis of MultiOlistica

In 2005 Renato Bonanni, Manager of a large Consulting Company and Musician decided to combine his managerial skills with his artistic talent. The aim was to integrate and capitalize  what he did best and liked more, breaking down the rules and exploiting its full potential. The rest is history.

A Rennaissance Workshop

The “MultiOlistici” are all professionals with qualified skills gained through significant experience in the industrial, consultancy and training world. They also teach and professionally carry out creative activities.

This dual nature allows MultiOlistica to provide the customer with added value both by transferring business tools and know-how, and by sharing creative experiences applied to the corporate world and in particular to the individual projects that are carried out through Me.M.O.™.

Our style is based on a gradual and continuous transfer of skills, carried out with a scientific approach and always leveraging on the emotional dimension: a modus operandi similar to that of Renaissance workshops where there was no border between ideas and solutions and between art and craft.

The MultiOlistics

Renato Bonanni

Founder & CEO

Zoe Evangelista

Social Media Specialist


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