Notice to Companies and Professionals in every market sector: CREATIVITY IS NOT OPTIONAL.
1) A recent research by Gartner, foresees that by 2025 one third of the current jobs will be replaced by A.I. software and systems, and only CREATIVITY will give competitive value to “human activities”.
2) Companies that are dominating the global market (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon …) have all placed CREATIVITY at the center of the enterprise: in service creation, in technological development, in the business model construction.
3) From a survey of LinkedIn worldwide, out of 50,000 professional skills surveyed, the soft skill most requested by companies in 2019 is CREATIVITY.
Three coincidences are a proof: today it’s no longer a question of evaluating the benefits of creativity, but we need to realize that, shortly, without it there will be no business at all!
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